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Wolfi Distroless Images

Based on this tweet, i decided to do this write up to show how you can create distroless images using wolfi

What is Distroless

read more here

Why Distroless

read more here

What is wolfi

Wolfi is a Linux undistro designed for containers, making it an excellent choice for creating distroless images. Read more here

How to get started

You will need to install apko and have an editor

Lets look at how distroless stacks its images

Static Base Image

This images is for all statically compiled programs which has a directory structure, ca-certificates and tzdata

So lets setup an apko config to install these

yaml code snippet start

    - ca-certificates-bundle
    - tzdata
    - wolfi-baselayout

yaml code snippet end

this installs

  • baselayout - this is the basic layout of the container filesystem, sets up directory structure and permissions for paths, sets root password as * in the passwd file so that the user cannot login, sets up os-release so scanners are able to identify the os and get the vulnerability db for the same
  • ca-certificates-bundle - these are the cert chains for ssl connections
  • tzdata - is the data with which timezones are used by the OS

you can build the image with

bash code snippet start

apko build --arch x86_64 static.yaml rmenn/static static.tar.gz

bash code snippet end

this will give an image which you can load a statically compiled program such as a go binary

With the apko install, there is no package manager which is added to the container, so we are closer to a distroless install.

Now we need to make sure that the container does not run with root user

yaml code snippet start

    - ca-certificates-bundle
    - tzdata
    - wolfi-baselayout
  - groupname: nonroot
    gid: 65532
  - username: nonroot
    uid: 65532
  run-as: nonroot

yaml code snippet end

this will ensure that the container is run with the user non-root.

We need to ensure a few defaults so that the container will run as required

yaml code snippet start

    - ca-certificates-bundle
    - tzdata
    - wolfi-baselayout
  PATH: /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin
  - groupname: nonroot
    gid: 65532
  - username: nonroot
    uid: 65532
  run-as: nonroot

yaml code snippet end

Nodejs Runtime Image

Lets now setup nodejs with the above container as base

yaml code snippet start

include: static.yaml

  - nodejs-23

  run-as: nonroot

  command: node

yaml code snippet end

build it with

bash code snippet start

apko build --arch x86_64 node-23.yaml rmenn/node-23 node-23.tar.gz

bash code snippet end

the above container is to be used to run the code and any of the nodejs containers such as node:lts ( glibc based ) can be used in any of the build,lint etc steps

This ensures that the container which is deployed is minimal, has only the packages required and runs with the non-root user which was added in the static container

Nodejs Debug Image

Now is the question of the debug container, distroless provides this as the language container along with a shell. If running kubernetes the best way to debug would be to use the cdebug utility but since we are talking about images lets create a nodejs debug image.

For debugging lets add the following

  • shell
  • package manager

so that as someone who is debugging can exec into the container and install any debug tool of preference and switch the user to root.

yaml code snippet start

include: node-23.yaml

  - apk-tools
  - busybox

  run-as: root
  command: /bin/sh -l

yaml code snippet end

build it with

bash code snippet start

apko build --arch x86_64 node-23-debug.yaml rmenn/node-23-debug node-23-debug.tar.gz

bash code snippet end

this setup would allow the user to switch to the debug container which is built on top of the container which runs the code along with access to necessary tooling.

This can be used as an example and one can build out custom base images using wolfi while keeping them distroless.

Chainguard provides all packages installed, they have only ceased providing versioned images and are still publishing apk packages as part of the wolfi repository

Image Size

Here are the images sizes post creation

bash code snippet start

REPOSITORY                      TAG            IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
rmenn/node-23                   latest-amd64   06594e5711de   13 hours ago    135MB
rmenn/node-23-debug             latest-amd64   8075f717cfc2   13 hours ago    136MB
rmenn/static                    latest-amd64   73eebc05792f   12 days ago     1.31MB

bash code snippet end

Scanning the image

here is a trivy scan of the above node image

bash code snippet start

2024-11-05T12:25:04+05:30       INFO    [vuln] Vulnerability scanning is enabled
2024-11-05T12:25:04+05:30       INFO    [secret] Secret scanning is enabled
2024-11-05T12:25:04+05:30       INFO    [secret] If your scanning is slow, please try '--scanners vuln' to disable secret scanning
2024-11-05T12:25:04+05:30       INFO    [secret] Please see also for faster secret detection
2024-11-05T12:25:04+05:30       INFO    Detected OS     family="wolfi" version="20230201"
2024-11-05T12:25:04+05:30       INFO    [wolfi] Detecting vulnerabilities...    pkg_num=20
2024-11-05T12:25:04+05:30       INFO    Number of language-specific files       num=0

node-23.tar.gz (wolfi 20230201)

Total: 0 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)

bash code snippet end

it has identified the OS and the packages installed. And reports 0 vulnerabilities.

Creating a base image equivalent to alpine

Now that wolfi-base is an image which comes with a shell and packaging tools, this container image can be used to create images which are used in multi-stage build as the build container as multiple packages would be required in the build step.

We use the static config here as well and add the wolfi-base package which adds busybox and apk-tools to the container, similar to what was added in the debug container but we use this meta package instead.

yaml code snippet start

include: static.yaml
    - wolfi-base
  run-as: root

  command: /bin/sh -l

yaml code snippet end

Here is a link to all the files on github along with a plausable directory structure for multi versioned builds